Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Google Can Be a Bad Thing...

Don't get me wrong, I normally LOVE google. Seriously, what can you not find with that search engine. I have googled friends, boyfriends, my husband, myself, etc., it is just that fun.

But when your mom tells you that her general doctor calls to tell her they would like to see her because her chest x-ray has some thickening in it, google can turn into your mortal enemy.

Of course once she told me what her doctor's office had (which, btw, she doesn't have an appointment until Friday to see her specialist for him to order a CT scan) to say, my first stop was google.

Do you know how much information that google gave me when I typed in "chest wall thickening on x-ray"? It is very overwhelming and if you don't believe me, just click here.

What scares me is that my mom is older, 72, and I am just afraid that she may not have much time left. She just found out she las low thyroid production and that is when they ordered the chest x-ray.

So hopefully, it will be something treatable. And if you can, just say a little prayer for my mom to be healthy! I am going to be so nervous until we find out what it is.


  1. Definitely sending good thoughts your way sweetie!!

  2. I'm thinking about you and your Mom!!!

  3. The low thyroid horomone production is VERY common. In fact, I'm 24 years old and I have a thyroid disease. It's easily helped by taking a pill every day. Her doc should take a blood sample to analyze.

    I hope the CT scan turns out okay!
