Thursday, June 18, 2009

You Have Inspired Me...

Last nite I went to see Dave Matthews in concert, real shock there isn't it? I love his music, his band, his passion, his humor and of course, his dancing! When Dave dances, it always makes me smile. Call me smitten or just a woman that knows what she likes.

Other than that though, I always come away inspired by this man. I come away from his concerts moved, full of energy and of course wanting to change a little something about myself.

While watching Dave and his band jame out for 2.5 hours I am full of emoitions and love. His shows make me want to be a better person. Will I be better the next day for going to his show the nite before, most likely no. Change takes time, sometimes a long time. Hopefully not too long though.

Does this mean that I am going to be less of a bitch? Maybe but probably not...HA! I have a friend that thinks that I am a total sweetheart. Why do they see me like that I wonder, what do I show them that I don't show a lot of people or maybe why do I just show them that part of me and not the cold hearted part that I can be?

"LOVE" a sign that was talked about last nite. How a person just had the word "LOVE" written. Dave was touched that all this person offered was love, a powerful emoition. One that can make you blissfully happy and at the same time bring sorrow in your life.

Coming away from that, it is more love that I will try to show and give. We shall see how it goes.


  1. I went to the concert last night too! Wasn't it great?

  2. It was one of the best concerts of his that I have seen in a long time and I have been to way too many of his shows! Laugh.

  3. I really don't understand why people as a general rule aren't just nice. Why even put forth the effort to be cold hearted? One doesn't need to be fake or even overly nice, either though. But why make an effort to be mean? I don't get it.

    Kudos to you for trying to show more love

  4. I wouldn't say that I put forth an effort to be cold hearted. I think I can come across like that at times because I don't take the time to try and put myself in another's shoes. I am always the person saying "Well so and so made the choices to get them in a certain situation". Now that is if a person has been put into a situation by choice, not chance. I am wondering if that makes any sense??

  5. That is my favorite song off the new album! I hope I get to see them in concert this summer.
