Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Big Day Coming Up

This weekend I have a big day that is really planned or anything, it will just come upon me. I will be turning 30 on Sunday! Go me, it will be my birthday!

I am not freaking out about 30 at all. Actually I am looking forward to it. I am going to do a few things different in my next thirty years. I am going to simplfy my life. I don't need to live large at home like I do now. I want to see the rest of the world that I haven't seen, so there it is. That is what I plan on doing for my next thirty years...travel. I don't care where to. If I need my Passport than that is always a major plus. Besides I am 30 and I have more than I could want material wise, a great house and nice car. What more do I really need?

J called me today to tell me that I was getting old (granted he is 4 years older than me) and I truly don't view it that way. I honestly think I am just hitting my prime. Scary, isn't it. I don't look or feel like I should be 30. So boo ya on that one. :)

So bring it on 30, I am looking forward to you and what you have in store for me.

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