Monday, June 22, 2009

I Would Like The Entire Family There...

So why didn't you tell me that so and so wanted your entire family there for an upcoming holiday? That was my question posed to my husband J. His response, because family means exactly that, just the family, so and so could really care less if any of the spouses showed up.

Riddle me this Batman, why would I even want to put in the time and effort to go out of my way to go to another family gathering after that comment??

I was having a discussion about this and someone actually told me that this group of people are so arrogant you could easily mistake them for the Kennedys. I about fell over because it is true. But the thing is, they are not even close to being on the Kennedy radar. It cracks me up really.

As I stated, I am making more of an effort to be nice to people, but I think this situation I am going to avoid all together and let people that actually have to deal with these people deal with them. I am in no way obligated to have these people in my life and it drives me up the wall to be around people that think they are better than someone else. Oh and what makes me even crazier is that they won't say anything to your It is all behind the back bullshit. This is from women in their 50's and 70's...I kid you not!

So is it okay that I forgo the gathering???

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