Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is There A Doctor In the House?

While I was out this weekend I was in the company of several doctors. For some reason, it was early in the morning, or late in the nite, whichever way you prefer to put it and the topic of SEX came up. Yep that is right, I am surronded by doctors and we are talking about sex, this never has a good outcome...EVER, especially when everyone is so trashed that the doctors are actually smoking! How is that ironic for ya?

So they asked me if I had ever been with a doctor. I was in a relationship for about six months with a pediatric heart specialist. It ended because dating a man like that was almost impossible at both stages of our lives. He was always at the hopsital or on call and it just wasn;t that fulfilling for me. So...back on topic. I told them that I had and while the sex was good it was never that GREAT. It had the makings of what could be great sex but just never went there for me.

I do have a theory on this one and it is good. The reason it is hard to have GREAT sex with a doctor is that they are too in tune not only with their own bodies but with yours as well. Mine never cut free and let it be about him at times I wanted/needed that. Isn't there a time where a woman just wants to please her man in the bedroom and can't a guy just lay back and enjoy it instead of worrying about you and your needs. Sigh. Yeah, I know, how horrible right? Well after the first couple of times it will get on your nerves, trust me.

So these doctors asked if I ever had the chance to date a doctor again would I. My simple answer to that is no. I don't want a man who is too in tune with my body like that ever again. That may sound weird but that is the whole reason that I would think long and hard before getting involved with a doctor ever again.

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