Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What Has She Had Done?

I know so many people that have had plastic surgery of one kind or another. And hey, more power to them if it makes you feel better. I think it is a great thing, as long as you can afford it and don't take it way too far, than go for it.

Than you have a beautiful Brazilian beauty, Sheyla Hershey, that did just that...took to to the extreme. After eight breast enlargements she now has a 38 KKK.

How is that for sexy...ummm not!

Now granted I have had LASIK (which some do say is plastic surgery, just ask my insurance company) and I would have lypo on my thighs even though people don't think I need it and it wouldn't be extreme but would be nice to get rid of my "softball player" thighs. A couple years ago I would have had a breast enlargement but I like my breasts now.

So what would you have done if you were going to do anything?


  1. I have read/heard too many horror stories to want to much of anything. My aunt had lipo and ended up with bruises that lasted 6 months. And was in pain the entire time.

    I would do Lasik if I needed it (my husband has), laser hair removal, and probably a boob job but only after I'm done having kids (which I haven't started yet, so I've got a long time to think about it.)

    That's it though. No tummy tucks, face lifts, lipo for me...too many things can go wrong.

  2. Uhhhh. . .RIDICULOUS!!!
    I'm only a DD. I don't see how this can be comfortable!!!!!!!!! DUMB DUMB DUMB

    This is a sore subject of mine (breast enlargements). I have one BFF that has had it done already, and one that has plans on doing it, and it just irritates me. There are a lot of reasons - which I really don't feel like going into. (One of the main ones being, she has three kids - that is one HUGE expense that could go into savings for college funds. Ya know?!) But, her life, her money, her body!

    Just a little altering - take some of the fat that is in that "mid-section" that I HATE, and put it in my booty area. I have no booty. And TRUST ME, there are a lot of people who like to remind me of that!

  3. Trisha I totally agree with you about your friend with the kids. A boob job is around a $6-$7k expense and that isn't wasy money to come by. I would rather vacation to somewhere amazing than have my boobs done.

  4. As I age...you bet your ass if I have the money...I will have certain things done!

  5. That looks painfully large. One could fall over with those things.
