Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Line In the Sand Has Been Drawn

Ever have a situation where you never knew where the line was, that was until you crossed it. I didn't know that the line existed before yesterday. Than I got a phone call to tell me that it did.

It is a tough situation to be in with a friend. How does one go on from that? We both agreed to go one as friends and let nothing change between us because after all, we are grown adults. But is it truly that easy? That line will still be there as a reminder. Will we remain our “normal” selves or will we be short with one another?

I can honestly say that I want things to stay the same. It is a friendship that I truly enjoy and the relationship with this person makes me happy. But can it still be a healthy relationship? That is the answer that only the other person can answer. I hope it is yes, it can still be the same.

I think we were both satisfied with one another answer. I think I even heard the sigh of relief over the phone. But will the promises keep? So many have been broken in a lifetime, hopefully this one will stick.

Here is to hope and promises and damn good friends. All three of those are so hard to come by in today’s world.


  1. I hope it does work out ok...will be thinking of you both. Things like that take a lot of work, but if you both want it, it should be ok. Fingers crossed for you :)

  2. Thank you very much. It seems that things are going to be just fine.
