Friday, February 27, 2009

What Are YOU Giving Up For Lent?

Even though I am not a devout church goer, I do believe giving something up for Lent is good for the soul. Plus it can be a good stepping stone for a goal to better your life. Afterall, it is only 40 days.

So the question that I had for myself was, what can I give up for 40 days that will benefit me for the better. I thought about soda but than thought that it may make me a little crabby, which won't benefit anyone. Than my mom suggested that I give up going to Target and I nixed that plan because if they have a sale on Pepsi, I am not giving up the best price on something becaue I have banned myself from going to a certain store.

Than it came to me...I am going to give up unnecessary spending! It is perfect for this economy and the situation that I currently find myself in. If I don't need it I am not going to purchase it. So no going out to lunch while at work, etc.

I am looking forward to doing this and having a little more money in my pocket over the next 40 days, even if it is just a mere $50 or so. This may lead to me tracking all of my purchases as well. Maybe I will even track them on my blog with a monthly break down or something of that sorts.

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